Preparation Systems

JEOL EM-09100IS Ion Slicer


JEOL EM-09100IS Ion Slicer

The Ion Slicer EM-09100IS is an innovative product for specimen preparation for TEM and STEM as well as for SEM and Auger.

The system enables quick and easy preparation of (S)TEM specimen - even of heterogeneous materials - using an Ar ion beam. The specimen preparation only requires minimal effort. No disc grinding or dimple grinding is required. The Ion Slicer therefore prepares the thin film specimens more quickly and easily than conventional preparation systems.

The specimens are processed with a low energy Ar ion beam at a small incident angle. A thin, flexible shielding band protects the specimen and only permits the radiation at a very flat angle. This significantly reduces ion beam damage to the specimen. The result is a thin film of high quality with very few artifacts even in soft materials. The ion slicer can produce thin films of specimens of different compositions very effectively, even specimens with porous parts.


  • High quality TEM specimen preparation
  • Computer controlled preparation with CCD camera monitoring
  • Fast preparation
  • No complicated specimen preparation
  • Minimum surface damage

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