Focused Ion Beam Systems

JEOL JIB-4000 (Single Beam FIB-System)


JEOL JIB-4000 (Single Beam FIB-System)

The JIB-4000 focused ion beam system is a state-of-the-art, high-resolution, digital focused ion beam system with newly designed ion optics and an intuitive, graphic user interface (GUI).

The JIB-4000 can be used to produce thin film cuts for STEM/TEM analyses as well as specimen cross sections for SEM analyses based on very different materials which would otherwise be difficult, if not impossible, to prepare. The imaging and the material removal are performed using a single ion column, which provides superb accuracy for target preparations.

As an option, the JIB-4000 is also available with two different specimen stages. One bulk stage is used for the preparation of FIB cross-sections and TEM lamellae based on large specimen pieces and a side-entry goniometer enables extra convenient tip-on preparation of (S)TEM lamellae. The specimen holder can be inserted into the JIB-4000 system as well as into the JEOL transmission electron microscope. This permits an inspection of the specimen in the TEM and the potential re-thinning without the need to remove the specimen from the holder.

The unique twin stage specimen chamber also enables combined installation of both available specimen stages.


Ion source

Ga liquid metal

Acceleration voltage

1 to 30 kV


×60 to ×300,000

Resolution (image)

5 nm (at 30kV)

Maximum beam current

60 nA (at 30kV)

Options (selections)

  • JEOL TwinStage system, enables installation of two specimen stages
  • Specimen positioning system for large specimen
  • Beam current measurement
  • Metal deposition unit
  • Software for automatic specimen preparation
  • Internal and/or external manipulators

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